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Old 05-27-2012  
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Default A Guide to What Causes Morning Sickness

As morning sickness is one of the most common and irritating side effects of pregnancy, many women find themselves asking their practitioners, “What causes morning sickness?” For most women, morning sickness is at its worst during the first trimester and goes away for the rest of the pregnancy, although some unlucky women experience it until birth.

What Causes Morning Sickness?
Doctors still aren’t sure exactly what causes morning sickness, although it’s probably a combination of many changes occurring in your body. Possible causes of morning sickness include human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), estrogen, a sensitive stomach and an increased sense of smell. hCG hormone levels rise very quickly at the beginning of your pregnancy and many people believe this hormone contributes to the nauseated feeling. Nausea usually peaks with the levels of hCG in your body. Estrogen also increases quickly at the beginning of pregnancy. When you’re pregnant you also have a sensitivity to smells which can trigger the gag reflect. Finally, your gastrointestinal tract is more sensitive during pregnancy, which can explain what causes morning sickness in some women.

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