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Old 08-06-2012  
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Default A Helpful Pregnancy Trimester Breakdown

It can be a bit confusing trying to figure out which week, month or trimester into your pregnancy you are now. Some people refer to a pregnancy as 9 months long in 3 trimesters while most doctors refer to a pregnancy as 40 weeks long, beginning with your last menstrual period. A typical pregnancy lasts 280 days from your last menstrual period, or LMP, or 266 days from conception to eventual birth. A 40-week pregnancy is actually 9 months plus one week and conception takes place typically 14 days after the first day of your LMP. Here’s a pregnancy trimester breakdown to help you understand where you are in your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Trimester Breakdown: 1st Trimester
The first trimester is week 1 through week 13 of your pregnancy. The first month of your pregnancy includes weeks one through four; the second month of your pregnancy includes weeks five through eight; and the third month of your pregnancy includes weeks nine through thirteen.

As an example, if you are in your 5th week of pregnancy you are in your second month, and the first trimester. Your 1st trimester ends at 13 weeks + 3 days.

Pregnancy Trimester Breakdown: 2nd Trimester
The second trimester is week 14 through week 26 of your pregnancy. The fourth month of your pregnancy includes weeks fourteen through seventeen; the fifth month of your pregnancy includes weeks eighteen through twenty-one; and the sixth month of your pregnancy includes weeks twenty-two through twenty-six.

Your 2nd trimester ends at 26 weeks + 6 days.

Pregnancy Trimester Breakdown: 3rd Trimester
The third trimester is week 27 through birth (40 months). The seventh month of your pregnancy includes weeks twenty-seven through thirty; the eighth month of your pregnancy includes weeks thirty-one through thirty-five; and the ninth month of your pregnancy includes weeks thirty-six through forty, or until birth.

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