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Old 04-18-2012  
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Default Achieving a Natural Pregnancy

Most couples aim for achieving a natural pregnancy without the use of fertility treatments. Achieving a natural pregnancy on your own if you’ve had problems in the past is possible by looking for your body’s natural fertility signs, including changes in your cervix and mucus, as well as changes in your temperature. Learning when ovulation takes place is the best way to achieve a natural pregnancy without intervention.

Looking for Fertility Signs
The first step to achieving a natural pregnancy is learning the fertility signs your body produces. The first sign is a change in mucous discharge, which may be wet with an appearance like raw egg whites. Any change from your normal pattern is a probable sign that ovulation is near. You can also chart your temperature each morning to confirm that you’ve ovulated and the fertile time is past. Using your basal temperature is only reliable to tell when ovulation is over, not beginning, but it can be a good tool to use each month to time intercourse. You can also chart changes in your cervix to determine when you’re fertile. During your fertile time, your cervix should feel high in the vagina, open and soft.

Timing Intercourse for a Natural Pregnancy
Along with tracking your fertility signs, you can also time intercourse to improve your chances of conceiving. There are really two differing thoughts on this. Some doctors feel sex on alternating days is the best way to conceive because it can be hard to tell the difference between seminal fluid and mucus changes, making it possible that you’ll fail to notice the beginning of your fertile time. Alternating sex also means a greater volume of ejaculate each time, improving the chances of a sperm reaching your egg. Four days seems to be the optimal time for the largest and healthiest ejaculation. Others believe simply having sex when you feel like it and trying as many times as possible when you notice fertility signs is the best way to conceive naturally.

Other Tips for Achieving a Natural Pregnancy
When you’re trying to conceive, a fair amount of stress and a lack of spontaneity is common. Because high stress levels can interfere with fertility, do your best to stay relaxed and let nature take its course. You can also skip taking your temperature each morning if you know you ovulate regularly and just look for cervix and mucus changes to make sex feel more natural. Finally, you should consult with a natural health provider who specializes in fertility if you’ve tried to conceive for a year without success.

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