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Old 03-31-2013  
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Baby shower last March 22 was a blast. Theme is an afternoon mini-cakes party filled with everything sky blue! We had about 30 guests comprised with our families and closest friends and relatives. Baby pie got loads of amazing baby stuff too as Mum and MIL weren't able to include our baby's gift registry on the invites. Nevertheless, the party went smooth and the games and activities were just awesome! But every piece of the baby shower was blessed by my mom with a prayer for the successful delivery and safety of our baby pie.
Old 04-18-2013  
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Oh boy, I'm getting these jitters! I dunno why this feeling has just sank in just now. Probably because the day of our cutesy is getting near. I'm so excited, no doubt about it. It's just that this feeling of fear, you know, being a first time mom and all that. It's the fear of the pain in labor or if I'd be Caesarean sectioned or whatever. Ugh, hope everything will turn out fine...
Old 05-11-2013  
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I'm 36 weeks and will deliver anytime in the next 2 weeks! On Monday I'll be having GBS Group B Strep Test and Baby's Soft Skull. Mixed emotions for this first pregnancy, really! But I'm glad the positive feelings overpower all those anxiety and fears. Thank God.
Old 07-10-2013  
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Schuyler arrived on May 19 at 1:15 pm in Kaiser Bellflower. At 4 kg and 41 cm, he is whopping huge! 11 hour labour WAS painful! But it's all worth it when he arrived. I had a C-section as I have a narrow hips and the 7 cm didn't improve. Nevertheless, I was awake the whole time but indeed very groggy. I remember the doctors showing him to me and kissing him on the forehead. After that I got back to sleep the whole afternoon I think. Got back home a couple of days later. Now breastfeeding and taking a 2 month leave from work. My family's complete. I am now complete!! Thank you dear Lord!!!
Old 08-03-2013  
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Schuyler's one active boy! Always moving and wobbling, I wonder how much he can do when he gets to walk already! He's also a very happy child! He smiles most of the time and is very easy to make him laugh. His cradle cap doesn't stop him from being an adorable baby.
Old 08-24-2013  
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Schuyler's a darling! His 3rd month birthday was last August 19 but we celebrated is last Sunday. Glad it was a blast! Despite of all the attention and being smothered, Schuyler didn't get overwhelmed. Not an inch of being irritated was shown while everyone's cuddling him. He's such a sweet boy! The tarp, flowers and cakes were all given by his uncles and our family friends. They're so sweet. We just prepared a simple dinner but ended up having a fabulous one. The trappings were just secondary. We appreciate the LOVE they're all giving to our baby Schuyler!

Last edited by Adalira; 08-24-2013 at 12:23 AM.
Old 09-13-2013  
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Schuyler is now teething! I know, it's too early, but it's surprising that he already has a couple of cutesy teeth in front sprouting when he was born. His pedia says he may have gotten a lot of calcium while I was pregnant. He also got very strong legs and arms. Hubby and I call him Schuyler the runner coz when he lies down, his legs would just move as if he's on a marathon, LOL! But he's now a bit irritable as he is teething. He wants to go grab everything around him and bit it!

Tomorrow we'll just go to the mall and simply stroll around. A simple bonding moment with just the three of us. Sweet!
Old 10-19-2013  
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Baby Schuyler had diarrhea the other day. He pooped about 4 times. I immediately text messaged his pediatrician. Usually they don't reply immediately but his pediatrician is just awesome! She prescribed him some Pedialyte, Erceflora and Zinc. A couple of hours later his diarrhea stopped and his appetite and energy were regained.

I was freaking worried! Thank God he's doing better now.
Today is his 5th month Birthday! We're going to have some dinner celebration tonight!
Old 11-22-2013  
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Schuyler's had her vaccinations yesterday! Poor boy he cried when he got his shots on his thighs. The cutesy printed band-aid caught a bit of his attention thus making him stop. But then again the IV, I know, was just too much and he kept on crying afterwards. When we were about to have our lunch at the nearest resto, he was already manageable and the nerve-wracking cries were already a thing of the past! LOL. Schulyer's such a cutie!
I was watching the Prison Break series and Schuyler loves the intro music of it. But just the intro, ok? It's definitely a no-no for my baby. Brainy Baby, Baby Einstein and Barney are still his best buddies!
Old 12-15-2013  
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We're all prepped up for Christmas! We're almost 80% done with the Christmas shopping for the gifts. Last weekend we had some grocery shopping for the foodie we'll be preparing for the upcoming Christmas Eve. Our fams will be celebrating it with us!! We're so excited as this one's the most special as it's Schuyler's first!

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