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Old 11-13-2012  
Posts: n/a
Default Are you getting sick during the whole pregnancy or just the first trimester?

I have been pregnant for 5 weeks now and I am feeling sick the whole day. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night just to throw up. Is this going to happen to me during the whole pregnancy or just the first three months?
Old 11-13-2012  
Posts: n/a

A very important nutrition for the first trimester in pregnancy that every pregnant woman should take is folic acid and vitamin D. These elements can be found in bananas, breakfast cereals, breads, flours, pastas, corn meal. This may release your pregnancy sickness and make you feel better. You shouldn’t force yourself to eat everything. You should eat a balanced diet, but if you are feeling very sick just eat whatever you like. Your baby will catch up his nutrients later in your pregnancy when you will feel better. If you are feeling sick, losing weight and throwing up everything you eat this might be a sign for hyperemesis gravidarum HG. This can affect your baby’s health so it is very important to talk with your gynecologist or midwife.

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