Originally Posted by Daja
Awww... I agree there is nothing wrong with what Baha said. Indeed, it is a matter of preferences. Personally though, I do not find it wise to make a lot of babies if a couple does not have stable jobs... I mean, you have to think about the children's future... Also, if a couple say have 10 kids, I totally doubt that each kid will receive equal and enough amount of attention and care from their parents that they need even if they have all the money in the world. I mean butlers and nannies are not enough. In addition, having too many kids is not healthy for the mother....
As for Cailyn, I don't think she meant anything wrong by her post. Even I found it funny. As she said, she imagined "dozens of kids". Perhaps it is only a matter of perception.
Nothing hilarious on Baha's statement. If hubby and I have lots of money and have stable jobs then we will definitely go lotsa baby making. Who doesn't want to have a lot of kids whom you'll leave your legacy to. That is, "if you have the funds" and employment stability. Also, by my saying of funds I'm talking about insurance, education, food, shelter, love and attention. If a couple have these along with their dream of a big family, then they're good to go!