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Old 09-07-2013  
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Default Re: BAHA's "baking" journal :)

I'm so glad my blood sugar levels are consistently normal several months after having GDM. Thank God!

Baby's doing great and is on the pink of health too. Just had her Rotavirus shots completed the other week.

Getting more active each day. She loves to smile and giggle. Oh, the joys of motherhood!
Old 10-15-2013  
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Default Re: BAHA's "baking" journal :)

Baby's christening this November is fast approaching. A lot of our friends got surprised that it's a tad late. I know- and we planned for it! We want to have a double celebration- big sissy's 9th birthday and our baby's christening. It's more practical I should say. I need to decide on which theme to go for this month as the first two weeks of November is the time where we give out the invites. Christening would be November 23 or 24.
So excited !!
Old 11-12-2013  
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It has been a long weekend- to a fault! I was geared to enjoying the Veteran's Day but was bitten by a stray cat. Ugh! I have no idea of whose cat it was and was very worried if it's rabid or not so just to be sure I headed immediately to the closest Emergency Room and got my Anti-Tetanus and Anti-Rabies vax. The doctor told me that the Rabies will only protect me after a couple of weeks so I need protection on the first 2 weeks. I need the ERIG or HRIG (the more expensive) vax.

The next day I got my ERIG vax and failed the skin test so HRIG's the last option. It's freaking expensive!!!! It depends on the body weight and so I've needed 5 vials. But I didn't have any choice but to shell out some bucks! Well better be safe than sorry I should say. Taking care of myself is like taking care of my family. They need me so I should always be in the pink of health and always safe... I still thank God that we're all ok.

The November 24th event has been finalized! Invites were sent out. Big sissy and lil sissy are both excited. Well, I don't know if lil Ericka has any idea but I feel that she loves the sparkling sequin dress that she's gonna wear on her Christening!
Old 12-12-2013  
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Default Re: BAHA's "baking" journal :)

I'm happy that we were able to pull off an awesome party! Imagine our families, close relatives and friends being able to celebrate the two special occasions on my little girls lives... It's a memorable one. Despite the unfortunate event that has happened with my cat-bite, despite the stressful things that come along motherhood, career and family life itself, I consider myself happy and complete. It does come in a package! And I'm willing to embrace life's difficulties and sacrifices as long as I have my family to enjoy God's blessings...

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