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Old 08-02-2012  
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Default Benefits of Doing Kegel Exercises During Pregnancy

Kegel exercises are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor and vaginal muscles and are often recommended to pregnant women to ease childbirth and recovery. During pregnancy, these muscles tend to weaken from increasing pressure from the uterus and bladder. Here’s a look at the benefits of doing kegel exercises during pregnancy, as well as benefits you can expect afterward.

Benefits of Doing Kegel Exercises During Pregnancy
  • Shorter labor. A study in 2004 found that women who performed regular kegel exercises were less likely to have a long 2nd stage of labor, which is the pushing stage. These women were also less likely to require a C-Section.
  • Easier birth. Kegel exercises strengthen the vaginal and pelvic floor muscles, which make it easier to control the muscles during childbirth. With greater control, it’s easier to relax the muscles during labor and then use them during birthing.
  • Improved bladder control. Stress incontinence is common during pregnancy and comes from weak muscles and increased pressure on the pelvic floor from a growing uterus.
  • Reduced risk of hemorrhoids
  • Reduced risk of perineum tearing
  • Lower chance of requiring an episiotomy
Benefits of Kegel Exercises After Pregnancy
After pregnancy, kegel exercises can speed perineal healing, make it easier to regain control of your bladder and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Some women have continued problems with stress incontinence after pregnancy, so kegel exercises can dramatically improve this condition.

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