Hi ladies!! The thought of creating thread has just came up recently. As a first time mom, doubts, fear, anxiety are a normal occurrence. But knowing what to expect and and being able to gain knowledge on what to do lessens those pregnancy anxieties. The wounds which came from a C-Section is indeed more challenging to handle. So let's fill this thread with helpful tips and ideas on how to manage a C-section wound effectively.
I wash it with soap and lukewarm water twice a day then apply Betadine on it twice day too. I cover it with a gauze pad and using a surgical tape Micropore. Using a binder helped a lot too.
Don't rub the wound.
After washing, let it dry first for a few minutes before changing the dressing.
Eat high-fiber foods so you avoid getting constipated thus getting an easier bowel movement.
Mine was cauterized so the healing was fast.
The usual cleansing of wound plus be extra careful of your health, like avoiding getting constipated and having serious cough as these aren't good for a healing wound.
Giving birth through a C-Section gives the mom lesser pain during childbirth but more during the post. Limited mobility, that is. So I guess be extra careful with the tasks you're doing at home like avoid lifting too heavy stuff etc., but brisk walking done as an exercise is helpful too in promoting good blood circulation. Use a binder to support your tummy and make it a point to regularly clean the wound carefully.
In addition to the helpful tips above, I remember having a cold compress for the swelling and warm compress for the wound to increase blood circulation and faster healing.
Hi ladies!! The thought of creating thread has just came up recently. As a first time mom, doubts, fear, anxiety are a normal occurrence. But knowing what to expect and and being able to gain knowledge on what to do lessens those pregnancy anxieties. The wounds which came from a C-Section is indeed more challenging to handle. So let's fill this thread with helpful tips and ideas on how to manage a C-section wound effectively.
Oh it was not that bad at all as I expected it. I've already went to do a bit of grocery shopping 3 days after I got out of the hospital, LOL! I've used a binder a couple of months after delivery and had to take some fiber supplements to aid my bowel movement as being constipated is strictly a no-no after getting CS'd. Basically cleaning it everyday and putting some Betadine onto it after each dressing change.
I think having a C-Section is much more challenging than a vaginal one. Not to mention that the procedure and the care that are needed to take is more expensive. But as with any method of childbirth, the facility, diet and lifestyle are the major factors in hastening the healing of the wound.