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Old 04-21-2012  
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Default Common Early Pregnancy Problems in the First Trimester

There are many common early pregnancy problems during the first trimester, due to rapidly changing hormones. Along with emotional changes, you’ll notice pregnancy-related problems like nausea, acne and fatigue. Here are some of the most common early pregnancy problems you can expect.

Morning Sickness or Nausea
This is probably the most well known of early pregnancy problems, and for some women it lasts the entire pregnancy. Morning sickness may occur at any time of the day or night and sometimes starts as early as 3 weeks after conception. It’s due, at least in part, to rising levels of progesterone and estrogen. A heightened sense of smell may also play a part. Avoid foods and smells that seem to make your nausea worse and try salty crackers to settle your stomach.

Increased Urination
As your body feels increased pressure on the bladder, you may notice an increased need to urinate throughout the day. You may even leak urine when you laugh or cough. Do your best to drink less liquids in the evening and urinate whenever you need to to avoid urinary tract infections.

Many pregnant women also get dizzy as blood vessels dilate and blood pressure drops. Avoid standing for too long and rise from a seated position slowly. If your dizziness becomes severe and is accompanied by bleeding and abdominal pain, this could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy, which is a life-threatening condition.

Heartburn and Constipation
For some women, heartburn and constipation can be some of the worst early pregnancy problems in the first trimester. To prevent heartburn, eat smaller, frequent meals and avoid carbonated beverages, fried food and spicy food. You can also increase the fiber in your diet and drink plenty of water to relieve constipation.

Acne During Pregnancy
Your skin may also break out during pregnancy because of increased production of hormones. Because most acne medications are not safe during pregnancy, wash your face with a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil and use oil-free moisturizers and makeup.

Frequent headaches are another common early pregnancy problem during the first trimester. These headaches are usually the result of an increase in hormones, low blood sugar and reduced blood flow to the brain. If you find yourself struggling through headaches during pregnancy, take acetaminophen and use a hot or cold compress to relieve the pain.

Changing Vision
Finally, pregnancy may also cause dry eyes or changing vision due to increased blood circulation. You may need to switch to glasses if you wear contacts during pregnancy, as well as use eye drops to keep your eyes lubricated. You can also visit your eye doctor to temporarily adjust your prescription.

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