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Old 05-09-2012  
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Default Common Early Pregnancy Signs

While there is no way to tell you’re pregnant without a reliable pregnancy test, there are a number of early pregnancy signs that will tell you pregnancy is possible. Some women never suspect they’re pregnant until a missed period, although some women notice even minor changes in their body. Early pregnancy symptoms vary by woman and not everyone will experience the same things. Still, here are the clues that you may be pregnant.

Cramping and Spotting
Soon after conception, a fertilized egg will attach to the uterine wall and cause spotting and, occasionally, cramping. This is known as implantation cramping and may take place 6 to 12 days after an egg is fertilized. The cramps will probably feel like menstrual cramps and many women mistake these early pregnancy signs for the beginning of their period. You may also notice a milky discharge along with the bleeding, which occurs from the vaginal walls thickening. This may continue throughout your pregnancy.

Breast Changes
Changes in your breasts, including soreness and swelling, are another one of the most common early pregnancy signs. Due to the quick change in hormone levels, you’ll probably experience changes in your breasts after one or two weeks. Some women also experience breasts that feel fuller or tender, with darkened areolas.

Extreme Fatigue
If you’re feeling incredibly tired and worn out, this may be one of the common early pregnancy signs that occurs as soon as a week after conception. This fatigue is related to progesterone levels in your system, along with increased blood production and lower blood sugar and blood pressure.

Morning Sickness or Nausea
Perhaps the most well known early pregnancy sign is morning sickness. This nausea doesn’t happen to everyone and may occur at any time of the day. Along with nausea, many pregnant women also develop food cravings or aversions. This nausea is related to increased hormone production and may last your entire pregnancy. For most women, it lessens after the first trimester and diet changes can relieve symptoms.

Missed Period
The early pregnancy sign that may cause you to get a pregnancy test is a missed period. Keep in mind, however, some women can experience bleeding during their pregnancy and a missed period isn’t necessary a sign of pregnancy. Extreme weight gain or loss, tension, hormonal issues and fatigue can all cause missed periods.

Other Early Pregnancy Signs
Finally, the change in hormones in your body may bring on other early pregnancy signs, including frequent urination, constipation, mood swings and dizziness. If you’re experiencing one or more pregnancy symptoms without explanation, it may be time to try a home pregnancy test and make an appointment with your doctor.

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