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Old 05-05-2013  
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Default Re: Dalinda's Journey

Apparently, my cardiologist advised me to stop using my Seretide as a maintenance. I'm now asthma free. It's strange that the moment I gave birth, my asthma suddenly bid goodbye. But don't get me wrong, I don't miss it, haha! But I still have a box of Combivent at home just in case it flares up. The hot weather here in Texas might be factor if it does.

Preston will be turning 4 months in May 29. Yay! Had his multi-shot vaccinations the other week. Pity my little man, he just broke my heart when he cried in pain as he had his short on his chubby thigh! If only I could absorb that pain. But when we came home, he got hungry and played afterwards. That's my little man, strong and sweet! We just couldn't get enough of our handsome baby!!
Old 06-01-2013  
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Preston's a good boy. No sleepless nights coz when he cries in the early morning when he gets hungry, he sleeps as soon as we burp him. And we could get back to sleep to. But despite that, I check him out once in a while too. His daddy and I are taking turns to see if he's sleeping fine. Getting heavier each day.
Last night, I had an asthma attack so I nebulized. Feels weird. I don't have any maintenance no more but it does flare up when it's very humid or hot.
Old 06-22-2013  
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Oh Preston, you made my life complete. No matter how exhausted and stressed I am at work, when I get to see you, it's just heavenly. Each day I feel like you have something to make mom and dad smile about. Priceless!
Old 07-21-2013  
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July 29th will be our baby Preston's 6th month birthday! Wow, couldn't believe his 1st birthday is fast approaching. Still a very good boy or I don't know if his dad and I are just too patient to tolerate some stuff and adore him too much that the sort of exhaustion related to taking care of him is an activity that makes is extremely happy? Hah, the paradox of it. We find comfort in taking care of this bundle of joy from God!
Old 08-15-2013  
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Preston had a cough last week. Good thing he got well after 3 days. Probably related to the sudden change of weather.

Preston's getting heavier, I could say that my arms are getting toned by it, LOL! His chunky legs are so tempting, always made anyone comment on how cute he is! His eyes and chubby cheeks are just something that melts my heart!

Walking in the park and watching his fave cartoons at home are just some of the simple joys our family share with each other. We love you baby Preston!
Old 09-07-2013  
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The other day Preston fell from his crib! He sat up, rolled and fell off to the couch which was beside his crib!!! I was just on the other side of his crib changing the pillowcase. I was so shocked and immediately ran to him. When I picked him up, he was smiling. Thank God he was ok. I laughed when I saw him and cried afterwards because of I got super scared. I told it to my hubby and we had a fight. Hubby kept telling me what could have happen should the couch wasn't there? We're now ok but the guilt feeling is still here and the lesson learned that we should be extra, extra careful especially in the first few years of their lives. Bumps and scratches are natural, but falling off is a different story. Scary.
Old 10-02-2013  
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Baby's 9th month birthday last Saturday was awesome! Had our in-laws and our closest relatives drop by our house. Not a big party, but I'm telling you, the Shrek-themed cake was huge! "D Baby Preston was surprised and thrilled. He got a green walker as a gift as well. I know, he's enjoying all the love and attention. He's trying to walk now and I enjoy every bit of it, guiding him patiently and seeing his strong calves while he tries to make his first steps. Aww, just love, love, love.
Old 11-04-2013  
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Default Re: Dalinda's Journey

Baby Preston's having an on and off cough last week. Poor boy! Despite that, he's very much active and playful. I'm worried that he has an Asthma. Fingers crossed it's just a normal cough. I remember my asthma flared up about a month ago due to too much humidity! Oh boy...
Old 12-07-2013  
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Preston had an asthma attack last week, nebulizing every 8 hours for 3 days, alongside Salbutamol syrup. So sad that he had to go through it. But I am thankful that he's feeling so much better now. Hope his asthma will be gone by the time he reaches an age where he has to be into sports. I just hope and pray he'll be able to do the things he truly loves without having to bear the difficulty of suffering Asthma.
Old 12-27-2013  
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It was Preston's 1st Christmas! The double celebration was extra special. It's fun to be able to enjoy preparing for Christmas and his 1st birthday next month. Yeah, in 30 days time it'll be his 1st birthday. Time flies by very fast indeed!
He's getting very active each day. He seldom uses his walker no more. We try to guide him while he walks as much as possible. I'm glad that we're able to complete almost all of his shots.

We'll be spending New Year at home and will just watch the countdown alongside fireworks display at home! What a great bonding time!
God is good!

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