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Old 11-23-2013  
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Default Re: Fanny's TTC road to success!!

Did some Christmas shopping yesterday! Our house is not all prepped for the holidays! We are extremely excited. Hubby is going to have a week-long leave and we're so going to spend the Christmas and New Year countdown together! Well of course it'll be more special with our close friends and families... Hoping and praying that next year we'll have the newest addition to our already happy family and to make it livelier!
Old 12-18-2013  
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Default Re: Fanny's TTC road to success!!

Boy, oh boy, I'm feeling down now. Don't know if it's winter-related but the meds I'm taking, eg: Clomid, for almost 3 months now- still, nothing is happening. I was feeling all sleepy but needed to wake up for work. I was feeling so exhausted most of the time but I needed to get up and do my daily activities, hoping that I'd get pregnant. The procedure I've been through was draining and taking up meds, the effects couldn't be ignored. I'm thinking- why not stop with all this bloody stuff and just let nature take its course? I feel guilty that I'd be ruining the holiday spirit so I never vent it out to my hubby and even close friends...

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