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Old 04-22-2012  
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Default Guide to Using an Ovulation Calendar to Get Pregnant

There are many ways to find the best time to get pregnant, including the use of a basal thermometer. Using an ovulation calendar to get pregnant helps you track your cycle each month and determine when ovulation occurs. It requires patience and timing but does increase your chances of pregnancy.

How to Use an Ovulation Calendar to Get Pregnant
You’ll need to use a regular calendar to mark your cycles for at least 6 to 8 months to truly see a pattern emerge and make an ovulation calendar effective. Begin by circling the first day of your period, which is called Day One. Most women have a cycle that lasts between 28 and 32 days. After you have at least 6 months of tracked cycles, subtract 18 from the total number of days of your shortest cycle. For example, if your shortest cycle was 27 days, you’ll subtract 18 from 27 to get 9. This number is the first fertile day of each cycle. In this example, Day Nine is the first fertile day each month.

Improving Success Using an Ovulation Calendar
To make pregnancy more likely while using an ovulation calendar to get pregnant, also use the basal temperature method and mark your temperature each morning on the calendar. Because a woman’s temperature fluctuates just before and after her fertile time, you’ll have a greater likelihood of detecting your most fertile time each cycle. This method can also improve your chances if you have irregular periods which are difficult to track with the ovulation calendar method.

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