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Old 08-29-2012  
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Default Having a Natural Water Birth

Interested in natural and safe childbirth? One option that’s become very popular among women seeking greater control of their childbirth experience is a natural water birth. Water birth basically means giving birth to your child in water. It may be done at home, a birth center or a hospital and is typically overseen by a doula or midwife. Here’s how to prepare for a natural water birth and what you should expect.

How is a Natural Water Birth Done?
A natural water birth is designed to ease your child into the world by recreating the feeling of the amniotic sac in the womb. It’s usually done at home or a birthing center, although some hospitals allow water births and offer special tubs. During the water birth, you and your child will be monitored and receive medical care. An underwater device will monitor your baby’s heartbeat and you can still receive medicine through an IV. Some women complete the birth in the water, although many prefer to go through labor in the water and then get out before the child is born. Once you deliver, your nurse or midwife will lift the baby to the surface so they can breathe.

Benefits of Natural Water Birth

Here are the potential, yet still unproven, benefits of water birth.
  • Soothing and comfortable environment
  • Water can increase your energy in the later stages of labor
  • Water offers buoyancy to make you feel lighter
  • Water promotes efficient contractions and improves circulation
  • A water birth can lower high blood pressure that’s caused by stress and anxiety
  • May reduce stress-related hormones to improve pain tolerance
  • Reduces the risk of tears to the perineum, lowering the chance of an episiotomy and stitches
  • Allows you to concentrate more fully on childbirth
Risks of Natural Water Birth
There are very rare risks associated with a natural water birth. The risk of water aspiration is there, especially if the baby experiences stress during the birth and gasps for air, instead taking in water. The umbilical cord may snap, which may require the baby to undergo a blood transfusion. Infection from dirty or unclean pool water is also a possibility.

When to Avoid Water Births
There are some situations in which a water birth is especially risky or not recommended. These situations include:
  • Herpes, which passes to your baby very easily in the water
  • Breech position
  • Maternal diagnosis of infection or excessive bleeding
  • Multiple births
  • Preterm labor
  • Severe meconium
  • Toxemia
  • Preeclampsia
Preparing for a Natural Water Birth
The first step is to consult with your primary doctor, who may recommend a birthing center or eqipped hospital nearby. If you want to give birth at the hospital, check their policy. You may need to rent a birthing tub and then contact birthing centers in your area to find out more options. Some doulas and midwives specialize in water births so ask for recommendations from the birthing center.

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