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Re: high progesterone, high chances of getting pregnant
Originally Posted by Halia
Yeah, you're both lucky as you still have the chance to prepare for your baby's arrival. In my case, there's no preparation whatsoever and my bf and I almost reached to a point of going on separate ways. I couldn't imagine how to deal with my pregnancy with all those financial issues and his addiction on top of my mood swings, physical changes and Gestational Diabetes. But God is good and He has been with us every step of the way though it's extremely difficult. I've learned that sometimes it's better to take it easy, relax and leave everything unto Him.
Now look at that! I love how motherhood changed you. Well, you're already a smart girl way before but what you've said just made an older, more mature woman like me contemplate on a few things.
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Re: high progesterone, high chances of getting pregnant
Originally Posted by Halia
I've learned that sometimes it's better to take it easy, relax and leave everything unto Him.
I like that Halia!
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Re: high progesterone, high chances of getting pregnant
Originally Posted by Halia
Yeah, you're both lucky as you still have the chance to prepare for your baby's arrival. In my case, there's no preparation whatsoever and my bf and I almost reached to a point of going on separate ways. I couldn't imagine how to deal with my pregnancy with all those financial issues and his addiction on top of my mood swings, physical changes and Gestational Diabetes. But God is good and He has been with us every step of the way though it's extremely difficult. I've learned that sometimes it's better to take it easy, relax and leave everything unto Him.
Glad to hear you're looking at motherhood now on a different level. Thumbs up to you Halia!
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Re: high progesterone, high chances of getting pregnant
Originally Posted by Halia
Yeah, you're both lucky as you still have the chance to prepare for your baby's arrival. In my case, there's no preparation whatsoever and my bf and I almost reached to a point of going on separate ways. I couldn't imagine how to deal with my pregnancy with all those financial issues and his addiction on top of my mood swings, physical changes and Gestational Diabetes. But God is good and He has been with us every step of the way though it's extremely difficult. I've learned that sometimes it's better to take it easy, relax and leave everything unto Him.
Oh, I'm glad you two were able to solve that issue. All for the baby I should say!
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Re: high progesterone, high chances of getting pregnant
Originally Posted by Halia
Yeah, you're both lucky as you still have the chance to prepare for your baby's arrival. In my case, there's no preparation whatsoever and my bf and I almost reached to a point of going on separate ways. I couldn't imagine how to deal with my pregnancy with all those financial issues and his addiction on top of my mood swings, physical changes and Gestational Diabetes. But God is good and He has been with us every step of the way though it's extremely difficult. I've learned that sometimes it's better to take it easy, relax and leave everything unto Him.
Yes, we're fortunate and that's the thing that lightens up my mood whenever I feel stressed out and lonely for not having a baby immediately. Also, I second our friends, I like the maturity you're having now. Kudos!
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Re: high progesterone, high chances of getting pregnant
Originally Posted by Fanny
Yes, we're fortunate and that's the thing that lightens up my mood whenever I feel stressed out and lonely for not having a baby immediately.
Aww, we're on the same shoes. Browsing through the threads in here have been of great help during my pregnancy and the times that I feel so low.