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Old 08-24-2012  
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Default Home Pregnancy Test False Negative: What It Means

A home pregnancy test false negative is most likely to occur by taking the test too early. This result occurs when the test indicates you aren’t pregnant but you actually are. At home pregnancy tests are more likely to give a false negative than a false positive, but it can be very confusing and leave you with many questions. Here’s a look at the most common causes of a home pregnancy test false negative.

1. Diluted urine
Most tests tell you to use the first morning’s urine to test because it is the most concentrated. If you drink a lot of water or other liquids shortly before taking the test it can also cause diluted urine, which gives you an inaccurate test result.

2. Test performed too soon
You may get a false negative if you perform the test too soon. For a test to even have a possible positive result, you need to wait at least one day after your missed period for an early at home test. Some at home tests require you to wait at least 7 days past your missed period. Doing so will reduce the likelihood of a false negative.

3. Test not timed properly
The instructions included with your test will tell you when to read the results. If you check the results too soon you may get a false negative, while checking too late can give you a false positive. Read the instructions and set a timer after you perform the test to make sure you’re getting accurate results. Most tests need to be read within 15 minutes and some provide results in as soon as 3 minutes.

What to Do After a Negative Test Result
If you’ve received a negative test result but your period still hasn’t started within a week, it’s a good idea to repeat the test. If you get a positive the second time, or you have another negative but your period hasn’t started, it’s time to make an appointment with your doctor to see why you’ve missed your period.

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