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Old 04-24-2012  
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Default How to Quit Smoking During Pregnancy

In the 1940′s and 50′s, smoking during pregnancy was common, although people then didn’t understand the effects of smoking on an unborn child. New research today has shown the effects of smoking and found effective ways for mothers to quit smoking during pregnancy to improve the health of their child.

Quitting Cold Turkey
While this is the least effective way to quit smoking normally, you have extra incentive to quit when you’re pregnant and you’re more likely to stay away from cigarettes. This safe and inexpensive method immediately stops the exposure your unborn child gets to nicotine and carbon monoxide, although you will feel the withdraws for a few weeks. Still, there is no research showing your stress level during this time has a harmful effect on your baby.

Quit Smoking During Pregnancy Gradually
You can also try to quit gradually by cutting back on the number of cigarettes each day until you reach zero. This method is also safe and doctors agree that being cigarette-free by 14 weeks of pregnancy means the baby isn’t likely to be harmed at all. Research shows that this method isn’t any more effective than quitting cold turkey and it tends to work best if you smoke a pack or more per day. The downside to this method is you’re still endangering your child if you have trouble kicking the habit completely and continue smoking past 14 weeks.

Nicotine Replacement Methods
Many pregnant women also turn to nicotine replacement to quit smoking during pregnancy. This method is safer than smoking because there are less toxic additives, although it may still be harming your child. Nicotine replacement doubles your chances of quitting smoking but it is expensive, and may cost up to $160 per month depending on your choice.

Zyban Medication to Quit Smoking During Pregnancy
Finally, some expectant mothers turn to a prescription drug called Zyban to quit smoking. This drug was originally marketed as an antidepressant under the name Wellbutrin but it is effective to quit smoking. It’s generally considered safe, although no studies have been performed to find out its effect on pregnant women and developing fetuses. It isn’t advised for women who suffer from seizures, preeclampsia or those with a history of preeclampsia. Still, Zyban is nicotine-free and costs about $130 per month.

Tips to Quit Smoking During Pregnancy
There are many methods to quit smoking today, including nicotine patches, medication, and gums. Still, these methods should be used under the guidance of a doctor because they still contain high levels of nicotine, which is harmful to an unborn child. If you’re pregnant, quitting cold turkey is the best method because it immediately eliminates the harmful compounds reaching your child. It is, however, the hardest method. No matter which way you try to quit smoking during pregnancy, remember to avoid contact with smokers and keep the health of your child in mind.

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