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Old 11-13-2012  
Posts: n/a
Default I have Escherichia Coli, Is there a way I can pass this to my baby?

I am 12 weeks pregnant and I have Escherichia Coli in the urine. The doctor gave me antibiotics. I do not know what is more damaging the antibiotics or the bacteria, however I take the antibiotics anyway. Can you please tell me if someone has had bacteria in the urine? I am very scared because they are going to take a swab from the vagina and I am afraid from the result.
Old 11-13-2012  
Posts: n/a

E. coli is a normal intestinal inhabitant and we could not exist without it. E. coli likes to wander off to body sites where it doesn’t belong, and is the most common bacterium isolated from cultures. It is the leading cause of septicemia with many other infections. It is easily treatable and the cleanliness is the key to keep E. coli in its place. You have to wash your hands frequently and for all women there is one rule - wipe from the front to the back.
The antibiotics are not harmful for the baby if they are prescribed for the right purpose. E. coli can cause a real damage to your baby or miscarriage depending on how many units you have in the urine. You have to drink Cranberry tea at least 1-2l a day because liquids help to eject the bacteria from the body as soon as possible. Do not be scared, take your medications, drink liquids as much as possible and enjoy your pregnancy.

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