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Old 09-09-2012  
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Default Important VBAC Statistics

Understanding VBAC statistics, including the success rate and risk of complications, makes it easier to decide if an attempted vaginal delivery after a previous C-section is the right choice for you.

VBAC Statistics and Facts
  • According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, VBAC is safe for women who have had a single previous cesarean and for some women who have had two prior C-sections.
  • VBAC success rate is about 75% for women who make good candidates.
  • For women who are not good candidates, the VBAC success rate is around 50%.
  • The risk of complications is lower for successful VBACs than planned repeat C-sections.
  • The risk of complications is lower with a planned repeat C-section than a failed VBAC that ends in another C-section.
  • The major risk of VBAC, uterine rupture, occurs 0.4% to 1% of the time.
  • There is a 0.4% risk of uterine rupture if labor begins naturally without induction after one previous bikini cut cesarean.
  • Cesarean risks increase with each procedure. These risks include hysterectomy, placenta accreta and a blood transfusion. After a successful VBAC, the future risk for labor complications is dramatically lowered.
  • The risk of maternal death is extremely low at 0.02% with a VBAC. The risk of an adverse outcome for the bay during a VBAC is 0.05%, which is just a small bit higher than the risk with a scheduled repeat C-section.
  • 45% of women in the US are interested in a VBAC delivery but 92% have a repeat C-section. This may be due to a medically necessary repeat C-section, a hospital ban on VBAC deliveries, a misrepresentation of the risks or unsupportive doctors or family.

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