Just wanna share this to you fellow mums and mums to be. This syndrome never crossed my mind. I was extra careful, no- super careful during my pregnancy. No matter how well we take care of ourselves and our unborn babies during pregnancy, unexpected things will still happen- we have to face them and deal with them courageously! Being our first one, I was anxious, paranoid and happy all at the same time, haha!
Our baby boy came to the world last June 30. 5cm, 4 kg. Casey came overdue and had to be admitted for 5 days due to MAS or Meconium Aspiration Syndrome.

Meconium being an infant's first stool, it was seen in my baby's lungs. My amniotic fluid has a dark greenish color too is it's a sign. Casey had difficulty in breathing so they had to suck out the meconium in the fluid from his lungs. Gave birth by C-Section and had to stay for 3 days in the hospital. Had to go home on the 4th as it's more practical to eliminate hospital expenses. Had to leave Casey at the hospital for a couple of days.

So sad. But I know it's for his own good. He needed to undergo treatment through IVd antibiotics to cure his MAS. Things were very difficult. The emotional and physical pain that my husband and I had was never expected. I almost stayed half a day in the hospital just to be with my baby.
It was a feeling of happiness when Casey was discharged from the hospital. Ecstatic!!
I am extremely thankful to God for making our baby healthier than ever. Now it's as if no MAS has happened. Casey is one talkative, playful and active boy!!! Thank God for saving our baby and for taking care of us ever since. We love you so much Casey! You're indeed a gift from up above that validates our happiness!
God is good!!