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Old 11-05-2012  
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Default Need Advice 19 year Old woman!

My last period was July 29. I have irregular period that comes on every 37 days for 4-5 days super heavy. September 3rd I was suppose to start. So I wore tampon to work cause I had cramps. After work it was nothing but a brownish mix with blood spotting on their the size of a nickel. So I definitely thought I was Abouts to start. But nothing. Two weeks later on 18 more cramps. I spotted very light till 21. To light for pad. So I wore tampon. It didn't fill it up at at all. If I had panty liner would of been perfect. Than two weeks later on October 2nd I wiped and saw light pink blood. After that nothing! I haven't had period since July 29. Recently ive been spitting up Mucus. Light headed. My breast hurts on and off. Head aches. Heart been beating faster randomly. The other day I had the worst cramps followed by diarrhea than afterwards felt better. So Tmi. I tested 3 times last month after I spotted 2days in roll and it was negative. Do you think I tested to early? Or sounds like pregnancy? Not on bc nor do we use protection. I live with my bf. Ooooooo I been losing weight to?
Old 11-14-2012  
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Default Re: Need Advice 19 year Old woman!

You should see a doctor. I am not a professional and just being a friend but obviously what is happening to you is not normal anymore. Try another pregnancy test. It is possible that you are pregnant since you have mentioned that you do not use protection and that you live with your boyfriend but if it shows as negative again, tell this to your doctor too. Your doctor will let you know what has really happened, if it is something serious or not.
Old 11-16-2012  
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Default Re: Need Advice 19 year Old woman!

I agree with calling your doctor. If the tests are not positive, then more than likely you are not pregnant. That does not mean that something else is going on though. Missed periods can be caused by so many different medical conditions. Contacting your doctor is key here.
Old 11-18-2012  
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Default Re: Need Advice 19 year Old woman!

Ditto to the above posts.
Go to your OB-GYN. Tell her everything you've been dealing with since July. I worry for you if your pregnant and you got that spotting too. It could help too if you take a pregnancy test before going to your OB. Be very careful. Good luck.
Old 11-18-2012  
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Default Re: Need Advice 19 year Old woman!

Originally Posted by LoveMe2! View Post
...I had cramps. After work it was nothing but a brownish mix with blood spotting on their the size of a nickel. So I definitely thought I was Abouts to start. But nothing. Two weeks later on 18 more cramps. I spotted very light till 21. To light for pad. So I wore tampon. It didn't fill it up at at all. If I had panty liner would of been perfect. Than two weeks later on October 2nd I wiped and saw light pink blood. After that nothing! Ooooooo I been losing weight to?
I can relate to these symptoms prior to our knowing that I was indeed pregnant. But it's way better to be sure that you are REALLY pregnant, so might as well go to the doctor to know the exact answers. Bleeding while pregnant isn't a good thing at all.
Old 12-29-2012  
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Default Re: Need Advice 19 year Old woman!

I believe your doctor might advise you to go on laboratory tests for those symptoms... Hope you're feeling fine now.
Old 02-05-2013  
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Default Re: Need Advice 19 year Old woman!

Could be or not. Your doctor might ask you to have a TVS or transvaginal ultrasound to know what is really the cause of the problem. But it's been about a couple of months now, I believe, so I'm hoping that you're doing just fine now.

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