Post Partum Depression: Your Random Thoughts
My share:
I suffered a certain depression around a month after my eldest was born. I've read stuff that moms seldom hate their babies after childbirth as a sign of depression haunts them. In my case, no. I adored my baby so much that getting back to work, or being able to focus on other stuff became a problem- a phase in my Post Partum Depression. After my maternity leave, I've been scouring the internet and researching on something as a home based job so I don't need to leave my precious baby. But having an online job won't compensate me the way my present company does so, to make the long story short, my wishful-thinking state has ended and I had to get back to work. I was always crying, very moody and me and DH did have lots of fights. Lots of incident reports were served because the instances of my absence were rising. But it's like an abuse to me, being forced to go to work and all I wanna do is to be beside my baby. Reality sets in, there's loans to pay and bills too. Baby needs and immunizations which do require money. Friends and family are supportive but the realization should really come from me, the responsible parent. So that's it. Months of depression was put on a halt.
So now, what's your story?
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Re: Post Partum Depression: Your Random Thoughts
It did happen to me. A couple of weeks after I had my first child, I didn't really hate her per se. I just felt indifferent about her. Perhaps because after all the painful stuff and complications which happened during my pregnancy, also the fact that me and my hubby are both inexperienced in this event, and because of too much exhaustion, I came to realize that I wanted to have some time alone. I did breastfeeding and take care of her. But seriously, I remembered not really wanting to focus on her. Good thing I have my mom to help me get through it. All I wanna do is do my thing after breastfeeding. The rest was my mom's responsibility. I don't actually feel guilty about it, 70% of moms experience this, I feel like I didn't do anything to harm her and that withdrawal period helped me in realizing everything. The blessing, the sacrifice and the fulfillment.
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Re: Post Partum Depression: Your Random Thoughts
Actually, Postpartum Depression is a more severe case of baby blues. Baby blues are normal. It's like you're foreseeing yourself celebrating after your baby is born and be ecstatic and all, but turns out otherwise. It's pretty normal but if the baby blues do not subside weeks, or even months, after giving birth then it may lead to postpartum depression which could be very dangerous.
When I had my first baby, too much stress and exhaustion were unbearable including the fact that we had to make several financial adjustments. I felt so worthless knowing the fact that I had to quit school and find a job to support the additional expenses for the baby. I thought I had baby blues, but after a few months of wallowing in self-pity, boredom and irregular sleeps I was diagnosed with a postpartum depression. Bear in mind that these could lead to pyschosis (OMG!!!) so my parents and hubby were super supportive in helping me seek medical attention. My doctor didn't really give me meds for this, but the therapy is more on counseling and sharing. I was able to overcome this yet another challenge and it made me better as a person, a wife and most of all, as a MOM!!! 
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Coping tips for postpartum depression
1. Find people who can help you with child care, housework, and errands so you can get some much needed rest.
2. Make time for yourself every day, even if it’s only for 15 minutes. Do something relaxing or that makes you feel good about yourself.
3. Keep a daily diary of your emotions and thoughts. This is a good way to let everything out and to keep track of your progress as you begin to feel better.
4. Give yourself credit for the things you’re able to accomplish, even if you only get one thing done in a day. If you aren’t able to get anything done, don’t be hard on yourself.
5. Give yourself permission to feel overwhelmed.
6. Remember that no one expects you to be supermom.
7. Be honest about how much you can do and ask others for help.
Source: American Academy of Family Physicians
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Re: Post Partum Depression: Your Random Thoughts
awww... so sorry to hear that... I don't wanna go through that phase... In case I do, I'll try to remember the suggestions I read here.
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Re: Post Partum Depression: Your Random Thoughts
@ Cadelaria- Thanks for that useful post. It's true that in these trying times, a great and strong support system is very much necessary to overcome these baby blues.
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Re: Post Partum Depression: Your Random Thoughts
Originally Posted by Daja
awww... so sorry to hear that... I don't wanna go through that phase... In case I do, I'll try to remember the suggestions I read here.
You can't really tell if you're gonna go through that phase or not hun! Better to prepare yourself so as to know how to deal with it when time comes...
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Re: Post Partum Depression: Your Random Thoughts
@Cadelaria- What an inspiring post. I'm so happy for you that you're able to overcome that challenge!
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Re: Post Partum Depression: Your Random Thoughts
My story?
Well I've got worse baby blues with my first one than the 2nd. I feel awful that I had to go through that, but the thing is it was a learning experience. Ex-hubby and I were always on a fight after my childbirth. You see, he loved our son, but our differences just got between us. I felt like extreme sadness and hopelessness. I also had insomnia.
With my 2nd, I only remember having appetite changes and extreme sadness again. But those symptoms only happened like after a few weeks. Again, baby blues are normal. These should be dealt with carefully so it won't lead to what Cadelaria says- PSYCHOSIS. Others even hurt their babies. So disgusting.
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Re: Coping tips for postpartum depression
Oh Cadelaria, I'm so proud of you that you were able to get through of that. Kudos too to your family and friends.
Originally Posted by Cadelaria
1. Find people who can help you with child care, housework, and errands so you can get some much needed rest.
Source: American Academy of Family Physicians
IMHO, this is the most practical tip ever.