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Old 08-03-2012  
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Default Pregnancy First Trimester: What to Expect

During the pregnancy first trimester, your body is undergoing amazing changes triggered by hormones, which are already nourishing the growing fetus before a physical exam and tests can confirm the pregnancy. There are quite a few physical and emotional symptoms you can expect, outlined below.

Pregnancy First Trimester: Common Physical Symptoms

  • Morning sickness. For many women, morning sickness, or nausea, is the first sign of pregnancy. The term is actually misleading, as morning sickness may strike day or night. It usually begins as early as 3 weeks after conception and is probably caused by increased levels of progesterone and estrogen, which make your stomach slower to empty. Some women also report a high sensitivity to smell and aromas like cooking food and perfume may trigger the nausea.
  • Swollen breasts. Shortly after conception, your breasts may feel swollen and heavy, as well as tender or sore.
  • Frequent urination. As your growing uterus presses against your bladder, you may start urinating more often, especially during the night. You may also leak small amounts of urine when you laugh, cough or sneeze.
  • Fatigue. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms during the first trimester and is caused by increased levels of progesterone, which make you tired. Your body is also dealing with decreased blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure and more blood production. Ensure you’re getting sufficient protein and iron and take frequent naps.
  • Food cravings and aversions. While not all women have this symptom, it’s most common during the pregnancy first trimester. Some foods may suddenly make you nauseated or just seem unappealing, and food cravings are also common.
  • Dizziness. During pregnancy, your blood pressure is dropping while your blood vessels dilate, which makes you feel lightheaded. Avoid standing for long periods and get up slowly to combat this.
  • Constipation and heartburn. During pregnancy, your stomach takes more time to empty, which slows down nutrient absorption. This does cause both constipation and heartburn, however. Eat frequent, small meals and avoid carbonated beverages to combat this symptom.
Pregnancy First Trimester: Emotional Changes
During the first trimester of pregnancy you’ll probably go through a range of emotions, including exhaustion, delight, anxiety, exhilaration and more. While you may be very excited about this new life, you’re probably also very stressed. It’s also common to experience weepiness, mood swings and doubt during the first trimester, although it’s important to remember this is very normal. Look for support from a partner and loved ones to cope and contact your health care provider if the mood swings are too severe.

Pregnancy First Trimester: Doctor Appointments
Your health care provider will assist you throughout your pregnancy to offer reassurance and treatment. The first visit with your doctor will check for risk factors, determine your child’s gestational age and assess your health. You’ll provide your medical history and get answers to any questions you have about your pregnancy. During the first trimester of pregnancy you will also be screened for any chromosomal abnormalities. Initially, you will have checkups with your doctor every 4 to 6 weeks and get the opportunity to address any new concerns you may have.

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