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Old 07-03-2012  
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Default Pregnancy Labor Signs to Understand

If this is your first pregnancy you’re probably wondering about the pregnancy labor signs and what you should expect. Some women experience very obvious signs of labor, while others do not. There is no way to determine when labor will begin and many women find each pregnancy has a different labor with its own signs. Still, you should experience some or all of the pregnancy labor signs below when the time finally comes.

Pregnancy Labor Signs: Lightening
Lightening occurs when your baby lowers into your pelvis just before labor. If it’s your first pregnancy, you may notice this lightening weeks before labor, although it can happen mere hours before. Because your uterus will now rest on the bladder, you will probably need to urinate more frequently.

Pregnancy Labor Signs: Losing the Mucus Plug
The mucus plug is an accumulation of mucus at the cervix during pregnancy and some women find this mucus plug discharged as the cervix begins to open. The plug may be a little bloody, clear or pink and labor may begin right after the plug is lost or a couple of weeks later.

Pregnancy Labor Signs: Contractions
When your body is experiencing a contraction, your abdomen will become vey hard. Contractions actually feel very different to every woman and may be different from one pregnancy to the next. They are usually uncomfortable and produce a dull ache in your back and abdomen with pressure on your pelvis. Contractions move from the top of your uterus to the bottom and may even feel like menstrual cramps. You may experience Braxton Hicks contractions during your pregnancy, which are not a sign of true labor. Braxton Hicks contractions will stop if you change positions, will be irregular and will not get stronger and closer together.

Pregnancy Labor Signs: Water Breaks
Only 10% of women experience the gush of amniotic fluid that’s portrayed in many movies. If it does happen at home it will probably happen while you’re lying in bed. There may be a gush of fluid or it may be a slow leak. The amniotic fluid will be odorless and will not smell or look like urine. If your water breaks, call your health care provider and do not use a tampon or have sex.

Pregnancy Labor Signs: Effacement
Prior to labor your cervix will begin to thin out and this thinning is called effacement. Your health care provider will begin checking your cervix for effacement during the last two months of pregnancy.

Pregnancy Labor Signs: Dilation
Dilation is the opening of your cervix in preparation for birth. Like effacement, your health care provider will check your cervix to see how dilated you are. You’re fully dilated at 10 centimeters and ready to give birth to your child.

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