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Old 08-08-2012  
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Default Pregnancy Second Trimester: What to Expect

Most women find the second trimester of their pregnancy is the most enjoyable, as many unpleasant side effects like morning sickness are beginning to dissipate. The baby is also not yet large enough to crowd the organs and make you uncomfortable. Here’s a look at what you should expect during the second trimester of your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Second Trimester: Common Physical Symptoms
Here are the most common symptoms and physical changes you will experience during your second trimester.
  • Breast enlargement. The milk-producing glands in your breasts are now getting larger thanks to estrogen and progesterone. Extra fat may also be contributing to the larger size of your breasts. The initial tenderness may start to go away, although your nipples will probably continue to feel sore throughout your pregnancy.
  • Growing stomach. Your uterus is now expanding and getting heavier to accommodate your child. Your abdomen will begin to quickly expand during your second trimester as you gain 3-4 pounds per month until you deliver.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions. Because your uterus is preparing for childbirth, you may experience Braxton Hicks contractions in the groin or lower abdomen. Unlike real contractions, these are weak and unpredictable. Always inform your doctor if the contractions are painful or become regular, as this could be a sign you’re experiencing preterm labor.
  • Skin changes. Your blood circulation is increasing to your skin so you may notice some areas becoming darker, especially the line running from your pubic bone to your navel, your nipples and certain areas of your face. Exposure to the sun will further darken the skin so always wear sunscreen before you go outside.
  • Stretch marks. Most women begin to notice stretch marks during their second trimester. These itchy purple, red and pink lines will run along your abdomen as well as the upper arms, breasts, thighs and buttocks. They vary by woman and pregnancy, although the vast majority of women get at least some stretch marks. There is no way to prevent them, although they fade to a shiny silver by one year post-birth.
  • Nasal or gum problems. Many women develop nosebleeds, snoring or congestion during pregnancy because your increased circulation causes increased blood flow to the mucous membranes of your body. This may also cause your gums to bleed a little when you floss or brush your teeth.
  • Dizziness. Your blood vessels are dilating during pregnancy so dizziness is common. This symptom carries over from your first trimester and may continue until you give birth.
  • Leg cramps. Leg cramps become more common as your pregnancy progresses and they tend to happen at night. Always stretch your leg muscles before you go to sleep and drink plenty of fluids during the day.
  • Shortness of breath. Your lungs must take in more air now that you’re pregnant to carry oxygen to the baby and placenta. You’ll probably feel short of breath and breath faster throughout your pregnancy.
  • Vaginal discharge. Many women notice a white vaginal discharge during pregnancy, which suppresses yeast and bacteria growth. This discharge is normal, although strong-smelling, yellow or green discharge is a sign of infection.
  • Kidney and bladder infections. Urine flow during pregnancy is slowed due to hormones, while your growing uterus may also make it difficult to urinate. This increases the risk of kidney and bladder infections, which cause a burning sensation when you pee as well as fever, backache and abdominal pain.
Pregnancy First Trimester: Emotional Changes
Many women experience less fatigue during their second trimester and may feel more able to tackle preparation before the baby arrives. You may, however, find the changes in your body and your physical limitations very difficult. While some women feel unattractive as their pregnancy progresses, many women also report heightened sexuality.

Pregnancy First Trimester: Doctor Appointments
Prenatal doctor appointments during this stage of your pregnancy deal mostly with your baby’s growth. Your doctor also checks for any problems with your health, such as infections, and confirms your due date. Your doctor will check your blood pressure and weight at every appointment and will probably measure your fundal height to check the size of your uterus. This is done by measuring the distance from the top of your uterus, or fundus, to your pelvic bone. Your health care provider will also use a Doppler device to listen to your baby’s heartbeat and may offer screening tests and ultrasounds during your second trimester. You’ll also get the chance to learn your child’s sex, if you decide to.

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