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Old 05-21-2012  
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Default Pregnancy Stages by Month

Eager to learn more about your growing child and the body changes you can expect? The typical pregnancy lasts 40* weeks and is broken down into pregnancy stages by month. There are three stages: the first trimester, the second trimester and the third trimester. Each stage of pregnancy brings with it unique challenges, symptoms and development of your baby.

Pregnancy Stages by Month: First Trimester
The first trimester is characterized by extreme tiredness, swollen breasts, morning sickness, food cravings, constipation, slow weight gain, heartburn and mood swings. Weeks 1 through 12 fall under the first trimester. Here are the changes your baby is going through during the first trimester:
  • Month One. At the end of 4 weeks your baby is 1/4″ long and the placenta is beginning to develop. The baby’s heart, backbone, spinal cord and digestive system are also beginning to form.
  • Month Two. By the end of the second month your baby is 1-1/8″ long and the heart is now functioning. While the baby is moving at this stage you won’t be able to feel it yet. The baby’s nose, eyes, lips, tongue, ears and teeth are also forming and the penis may begin to appear in boys.
  • Month Three. At the end of 12 weeks your baby is approximately 2-1/2″ to 3″ long and weights between 1/2 ounce to 1 ounce. The nails begin to develop during this month and the eyes are nearly formed. The baby has developed most of their tissues and organs and their heart rate can be heard. The arms, fingers, legs, hands, feet and toes are also fully formed now and the baby has a recognizable form.
Pregnancy Stages by Month: Second Trimester
Around the start of your second trimester you may notice an increase in energy and the fatigue and nausea may stop. You will also notice your abdomen beginning to expand now, which brings along stretch marks, darkening of the areolas, a line on your skin running from your belly button to the pubic hairline and body aches. You may notice darker patches of skin on your face, which is referred to as a mask of pregnancy. Some women develop carpal tunnel syndrome as well as itching on the stomach. If you notice swelling on your face, ankles or fingers, or very sudden weight gain, this could be a sign of preeclampsia. Here’s how your baby is developing at this time:
  • Month Four. At the end of the 4th month your baby is between 6-1/2″ and 7″ long and weighs between 6 and 7 ounces. Gender may be identifiable at this time during an ultrasound. Your baby’s skin is pink and transparent and covered with a fine hair. The fingers and toes are very well defined and sweat glands have formed on the hands and feet. Your child is now developing tooth buds as well as important reflexes like sucking and swallowing.
  • Month Five. By the end of the fifth month your baby is between 8 and 10 inches long and weighs around 1 pound. The hair on their head is beginning to grow and a woolly hair known as lanugo now covers their body. Your child’s organs are now maturing and eyebrows and eyelids are appearing. You may begin to feel fetal movement at this time.
  • Month Six. By the end of the 6th month your baby is between 11 and 14″ long and weighs from 1-3/4″ to 2 pounds. Their eyelids are now parting and their eyes may be open for some time. The skin is covered with a coating called vernix and they are now able to hiccup.
Pregnancy Stages by Month: Third Trimester
During the third trimester you will most likely experience the same discomfort as the second trimester, although new challenges will arise. Many women experience shortness of breathe and a need to urinate more frequently. Heartburn may get worse, along with hemorrhoids. Your breasts will be tender and may leak colostrum. Your belly button may protrude and the baby will drop into your lower abdomen. You will also experience contractions, which may be a sign of impending labor or false contractions. Here’s how your baby is developing:
  • Month Seven. At the end of the 7th month your baby is between 14 and 16″ long and weighs between 2-1/2 and 3-1/2 pounds. Their taste buds have now formed and fat layers are beginning to develop. The organs are also maturing and the skin is still wrinkled. Babies born during this time are considered premature and may survive with special medical care.
  • Month Eight. By the end of your eighth month your baby is 16-1/2″ to 18″ long and weighs between 4 and 6 pounds. Growth becomes very rapid during the end of your pregnancy and your baby experiences a great deal of brain growth as well. Most organs except the lungs are developed and movement is strong enough to be seen from the outside.
  • Month Nine. During the last month of your pregnancy your baby is on average 19 to 20″ long and weighs around 7 to 7-1/2 pounds. Your baby is also fully developed at this point and can safely survive outside the womb.

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