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Fanny 01-05-2013 07:37 AM

Anyone doing this?
I've seen an article on a local mag that this old folklore tip is proven to be effective in aiding conception:

After having your daily dose of sexual intercourse :p Lie on your back with knees in the air. Placing a pillow under your head while dong this to aid the chances of the sperm in entering the cervix and then the Fallopian tubes...

I haven't done this but will do tonight! :p Anyone doing this already? And anyone can prove how effective this is?

Cailyn 01-05-2013 09:04 PM

Re: Anyone doing this?

Originally Posted by Fanny (Post 1151)
I've seen an article on a local mag that this old folklore tip is proven to be effective in aiding conception:

After having your daily dose of sexual intercourse :p Lie on your back with knees in the air. Placing a pillow under your head while dong this to aid the chances of the sperm in entering the cervix and then the Fallopian tubes...

I haven't done this but will do tonight! :p Anyone doing this already? And anyone can prove how effective this is?

This is effective? Whoa! I'm gonna tell this to my friend who is getting crazy about having a baby!

Cadelaria 01-12-2013 03:55 PM

Re: Anyone doing this?
Yeah, we've been practising that before we have our child and now that we're TTC. I believe it does help.

Adalira 01-31-2013 06:37 PM

Re: Anyone doing this?
We somehow do that but not really putting my knees in the air. Just lying down for a couple of minutes making sure that the guys could swim ahead! ;)

Gaetana 02-19-2013 09:44 PM

Re: Anyone doing this?

Originally Posted by Adalira (Post 1811)
We somehow do that but not really putting my knees in the air. Just lying down for a couple of minutes making sure that the guys could swim ahead! ;)

Whoa, this post made me laugh! So relate-able! ;)

Abana 02-23-2013 12:34 AM

Re: Anyone doing this?

Originally Posted by Fanny (Post 1151)
I've seen an article on a local mag that this old folklore tip is proven to be effective in aiding conception:

After having your daily dose of sexual intercourse :p Lie on your back with knees in the air. Placing a pillow under your head while dong this to aid the chances of the sperm in entering the cervix and then the Fallopian tubes...

I haven't done this but will do tonight! :p Anyone doing this already? And anyone can prove how effective this is?

A proud ME!!! But hopin' it's just that easy... :(

Fanny 03-07-2013 08:39 AM

Re: Anyone doing this?
@ Adalira- Lol! Me too, not really placing my legs in the air but hubby wants me too. I know, my hubby is bloody naughty! Ha Ha

Cadelaria 03-10-2013 03:52 PM

Re: Anyone doing this?

Originally Posted by Fanny (Post 2375)
@ Adalira- Lol! Me too, not really placing my legs in the air but hubby wants me too. I know, my hubby is bloody naughty! Ha Ha

Oh Fanny, I can so relate to that! LOL! :D

Abana 03-23-2013 09:11 AM

Re: Anyone doing this?
Girls, let's admit, we all are as naughty as our hubbies, right? :p

Gaetana 04-21-2013 08:47 AM

Re: Anyone doing this?

Originally Posted by Abana (Post 2654)
Girls, let's admit, we all are as naughty as our hubbies, right? :p

No, not me....
And that's a white lie! Hahaha :D

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