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Old 06-28-2012  
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Default Proven Natural Ways to Induce Labor

Natural ways to induce labor are preferred to artificially induced labor, which is usually more painful and longer, and may even lead to complications. These natural labor inducing methods require a cervix that’s ready, although they can help get labor started. It’s best to wait until you’re near your due date before attempting to induce labor.

Natural Ways to Induce Labor: Acupuncture
Acupuncture has been used in many parts of the world for centuries to induce labor. A study performed by the University of North Carolina found women who received acupuncture while they were 39-1/2 to 41 weeks pregnant were more likely to go into labor without medical intervention and were less likely to delivery by C Section.

Natural Ways to Induce Labor: Sex
Many doctors and midwives suggest sex to start labor. While there’s no proof it works, it does cause a release of prostaglandin, which is very similar to medication used to induce labor. Many women swear by this method to get contractions started.

Natural Ways to Induce Labor: Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil is available in a capsule and helps to induce labor by ripening the cervix. You can take up to 5 capsules a day once you’re at least 38 weeks pregnant by inserting a capsule directly against the cervix. This supplement contains precursors to the prostaglandins mentioned above and does help to soften the cervix.

Natural Ways to Induce Labor: Nipple Stimulation
Nipple stimulation is a rather effective way to induce labor and should not be attempted before you’ve reached your due date. Stimulating the nipples releases oxytocin and causes contractions, which is why breastfeeding after birth helps your uterus recover and return to its pre-pregnancy size. Some women manually stimulate their nipples to induce labor, while others try a manual breast pump.

Natural Ways to Induce Labor: Castor Oil
Castor oil is an effective way to cause contractions, although it’s not always advisable because it can also cause severe diarrhea. Most women feel labor is difficult enough and don’t want to add diarrhea to the experience, so you may wish to skip this method.

Natural Ways to Induce Labor: Walking
Taking a calm stroll around your neighborhood can definitely help bring on labor, although you shouldn’t walk to the point of exhaustion.

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