Originally Posted by Baha
Thank you for sharing this Abana. My mom is as strong woman. I believe she's very strong physically and had loads of energy before. When my dad passed away, suddenly she became a little weak physically . The death of my dad was really an eye-opener. It's true the thought of "death" is so faraway if it hasn't happened to you before. I love my dad but the pain of losing him was unimaginable. Now I became more protective to my mom. As much as possible, I've realized how brief life is. And every time I look through her eyes, it's as if I am also looking at my dad's.
That's so touching. Don't worry, those dear to our hearts who have passed away become our guardian angels now. It's painful indeed. Devastating is the right word, but we need to move on and take good care of the next generation. And bear in mind that our forefathers are immortal - their blood runs through our veins and on the next generations' so let's take comfort on that. They will always be around us. Cheer up!
Originally Posted by Cadelaria

Haha, you got it!