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Quotes on Motherhood :)
Hi ladies! I don't know if this is the right board for this thread. I was about to post this on the Off Topic board but my instinct tells me not to. Haha. I had to post it in here as I believe that the quotes we share with each other will continually inspire us to become the best mum that we could be! We're all children of God and one way or another, despite our life's differences, all of us have our mums whom God has made his instrument to give us the gift of life. The quotes in here aren't only on our own motherhood, but to celebrate the love our own moms shared with us. So let's keep the quotes coming!!
Last edited by Abana; 01-26-2013 at 09:51 PM.
Reason: typo error: to vs too
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Letter from a Mother to her Daughter
Letter from a Mother to a Daughter:
"My dear girl, the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If when we talk, I repeat the same thing a thousand times, don’t interrupt to say: “You said the same thing a minute ago”... Just listen, please. Try to remember the times when you were little and I would read the same story night after night until you would fall asleep. When I don’t want to take a bath, don’t be mad and don’t embarrass me. Remember when I had to run after you making excuses and trying to get you to take a shower when you were just a girl? When you see how ignorant I am when it comes to new technology, give me the time to learn and don’t look at me that way... remember, honey, I patiently taught you how to do many things like eating appropriately, getting dressed, combing your hair and dealing with life’s issues every day... the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If I occasionally lose track of what we’re talking about, give me the time to remember, and if I can’t, don’t be nervous, impatient or arrogant. Just know in your heart that the most important thing for me is to be with you. And when my old, tired legs don’t let me move as quickly as before, give me your hand the same way that I offered mine to you when you first walked. When those days come, don’t feel sad... just be with me, and understand me while I get to the end of my life with love. I’ll cherish and thank you for the gift of time and joy we shared. With a big smile and the huge love I’ve always had for you, I just want to say, I love you... my darling daughter."
source: https://plus.google.com/106889425288...ts/D9aiQKUxn2b
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Re: Letter from a Mother to her Daughter
Originally Posted by Abana
Letter from a Mother to a Daughter:
"My dear girl, the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If when we talk, I repeat the same thing a thousand times, don’t interrupt to say: “You said the same thing a minute ago”... Just listen, please. Try to remember the times when you were little and I would read the same story night after night until you would fall asleep. When I don’t want to take a bath, don’t be mad and don’t embarrass me. Remember when I had to run after you making excuses and trying to get you to take a shower when you were just a girl? When you see how ignorant I am when it comes to new technology, give me the time to learn and don’t look at me that way... remember, honey, I patiently taught you how to do many things like eating appropriately, getting dressed, combing your hair and dealing with life’s issues every day... the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If I occasionally lose track of what we’re talking about, give me the time to remember, and if I can’t, don’t be nervous, impatient or arrogant. Just know in your heart that the most important thing for me is to be with you. And when my old, tired legs don’t let me move as quickly as before, give me your hand the same way that I offered mine to you when you first walked. When those days come, don’t feel sad... just be with me, and understand me while I get to the end of my life with love. I’ll cherish and thank you for the gift of time and joy we shared. With a big smile and the huge love I’ve always had for you, I just want to say, I love you... my darling daughter."
source: https://plus.google.com/106889425288...ts/D9aiQKUxn2b
this is really heartwarming... Thanks for sharing this!
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Re: Quotes on Motherhood :)
Here's one I've got from the internet
“Having kids — the responsibility of rearing good, kind, ethical, responsible human beings — is the biggest job anyone can embark on”
― Maria Shriver
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Re: Quotes on Motherhood :)
@ Abana - Oh, so touching! Now that I'm giving birth anytime during the remaining days of January, I feel excited and thankful. Excited coz I'm going to be a mom, and thankful to my mom for giving her best in raising me as a good and loving person I believe I ought to be.
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Re: Quotes on Motherhood :)
@ Abigail - It is indeed true! Doesn't end in childbirth but it's only just the beginning of something very fulfilling.
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Re: Quotes on Motherhood :)
Thank you for sharing this Abana. My mom is as strong woman. I believe she's very strong physically and had loads of energy before. When my dad passed away, suddenly she became a little weak physically . The death of my dad was really an eye-opener. It's true the thought of "death" is so faraway if it hasn't happened to you before. I love my dad but the pain of losing him was unimaginable. Now I became more protective to my mom. As much as possible, I've realized how brief life is. And every time I look through her eyes, it's as if I am also looking at my dad's.
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Re: Quotes on Motherhood :)
Originally Posted by Baha
Thank you for sharing this Abana. My mom is as strong woman. I believe she's very strong physically and had loads of energy before. When my dad passed away, suddenly she became a little weak physically . The death of my dad was really an eye-opener. It's true the thought of "death" is so faraway if it hasn't happened to you before. I love my dad but the pain of losing him was unimaginable. Now I became more protective to my mom. As much as possible, I've realized how brief life is. And every time I look through her eyes, it's as if I am also looking at my dad's.
You're right Baha... Sad but true.
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I love Khalil Gibran
"The mother is everything - she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness. He who loses his mother loses a pure soul who blesses and guards him constantly."
- Kahlil Gibran
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On a lighter note...