In my case, from what I remember, I had vomiting and super tender breasts. My OB-GYN advised me to drink either a glass of milk or apple juice to reduce my vomiting the next morning. Oh, and there was the frequent fights which my hubby had to endure due to my being super moody! Haha! After that I found out that we're pregnant, and all those fights become funny stuff to recall...
Aside from being nauseous, I remember urinating frequently. My OB explained that this is due to the uterus being swollen and this does happen a few weeks after conception itself.
Aside from being nauseous, I remember urinating frequently. My OB explained that this is due to the uterus being swollen and this does happen a few weeks after conception itself.
This is what I'm currently going through. I guess it's because bubs is getting heavier and heavier each day.
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Re: Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy???
Originally Posted by Abana
In my case, from what I remember, I had vomiting and super tender breasts. My OB-GYN advised me to drink either a glass of milk or apple juice to reduce my vomiting the next morning. Oh, and there was the frequent fights which my hubby had to endure due to my being super moody! Haha! After that I found out that we're pregnant, and all those fights become funny stuff to recall...
I so could relate to that! LOL! I got cranky and petty stuffs really made me angry big time!! I guess it's about hormonal changes. The good news of being pregnant surely wiped those crankiness away!!
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Re: Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy???
Oh, in addtion to the above symptoms, feeling sluggish and weary all the time are one of the few things I had to endure prior to knowing that we're gonna have a baby. One time I thought that I had a fever, turned out that I didn't. Later on, my OB explained that during pregnancy, temperature may arise due to HCG levels increase.
But of course, this might not always be the case. If you feel something off immediately tell your OB as it may be 2 things- serious or not.
I so could relate to that! LOL! I got cranky and petty stuffs really made me angry big time!! I guess it's about hormonal changes. The good news of being pregnant surely wiped those crankiness away!!
Yep, hubby and I had those fights about non-sense thingies... I was always angry, always emotional and it turned out that I was pregnant with our boy. Funny how our hormones play with us when we're preggy!