Single Parents Thread
Are you currently raising your child alone?
Are you pregnant and looks forward to being a "mom and dad" to your baby?
You're not a single parent but you do have an experience on this topic and could be able to contribute greatly to others?
Are you none of the above but is very much willing to give help and encourage your sisters in this community for the better?
Then this thread's for you!!!
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Re: Single Parents Thread
My cousin, whom I also consider as my BFF, is a single parent. Her ex-boyfriend, her daughter's dad, happens to be married with 2 kids. I've seen how scandal and financial turmoil affected her life so much. My aunt and uncle didn't want to accept her. She stopped attending her grad school and stayed with us for quite some time. She found a work at a nearby cafe to support her pregnancy and save up to continue her studies. She was able to save some quids, but she got sick and therefore her savings were depleted for her hospitalizations. When she gave birth to a beautiful healthy girl, her mum and dad were able to accept everything and asked her to come back home. Now she's continuing her studies and I think she does get some kinda of an alimony for my niece.
Every painful experience has an end, we all know that, but the thing is, most of the time, girls get to the losing end on these relationships. It's so sad that some men do not realize the gravity of a pregnancy on women. Some even opt for abortion, which for me, no offence to anyone, is totally unacceptable. Call me old school, lame or what, I love these modern times but abortion isn't my cup of tea.
So there's a short single parent story of my cuz... I know she'll be fine. She's a strong woman and I love my niece so much! Aunt Fanny's gonna be there for her all the time.
Last edited by Fanny; 11-28-2012 at 06:46 PM.
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Re: Single Parents Thread
Originally Posted by Fanny
My cousin, whom I also consider as my BFF, is a single parent. Her ex-boyfriend, her daughter's dad, happens to be married with 2 kids. I've seen how scandal and financial turmoil affected her life so much. My aunt and uncle didn't want to accept her. She stopped attending her grad school and stayed with us for quite some time. She found a work at a nearby cafe to support her pregnancy and save up to continue her studies. She was able to save some quids, but she got sick and therefore her savings were depleted for her hospitalizations. When she gave birth to a beautiful healthy girl, her mum and dad were able to accept everything and asked her to come back home. Now she's continuing her studies and I think she does get some kinda of an alimony for my niece.
Every painful experience has an end, we all know that, but the thing is, most of the time, girls get to the losing end on these relationships. It's so sad that some men do not realize the gravity of a pregnancy on women. Some even opt for abortion, which for me, no offence to anyone, is totally unacceptable. Call me old school, lame or what, I love these modern times but abortion isn't my cup of tea.
So there's a short single parent story of my cuz... I know she'll be fine. She's a strong woman and I love my niece so much! Aunt Fanny's gonna be there for her all the time. 
Aww, what you've written brought me to tears Fanny. It's true that we women could be cry-babies but for our kids, we could be as strong as a warrior on a battlefield! We stumble, we fall, we get defeated at times. But we are always able to get up and move on, stronger and more confident than ever.
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Re: Single Parents Thread
So true. I've been a single parent for like a year after ex-hubby and I divorced and believe me, the pain is truly immeasurable. I was so devastated. Our family was devastated. I couldn't imagine back then how to pick up the pieces. But after some time I decided to be strong for my son. I'm the only one who could make or break our lives. I moved on, got to work to pay the bills, got back on track, sent my baby to a toddler school, met with my folks and friends, dated a couple of times. I have nowhere to go but to move forward, kept telling that to myself. After several months I've met a very wonderful guy. Very gentleman, responsible and loving. Long story short, he got married and became a father to my son. After some time, I gave birth to our son. Those are the people who comprise my happy family. And now we're waiting for the 3rd (hope it's a girl, FX!) to make everything perfect!
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Re: Single Parents Thread
Originally Posted by Gaetana
So true. I've been a single parent for like a year after ex-hubby and I divorced and believe me, the pain is truly immeasurable. I was so devastated. Our family was devastated. I couldn't imagine back then how to pick up the pieces. But after some time I decided to be strong for my son. I'm the only one who could make or break our lives. I moved on, got to work to pay the bills, got back on track, sent my baby to a toddler school, met with my folks and friends, dated a couple of times. I have nowhere to go but to move forward, kept telling that to myself. After several months I've met a very wonderful guy. Very gentleman, responsible and loving. Long story short, he got married and became a father to my son. After some time, I gave birth to our son. Those are the people who comprise my happy family. And now we're waiting for the 3rd (hope it's a girl, FX!) to make everything perfect!
I so love what you've said Gaetana. Currently, I consider myself a single mum as my baby's dad and I broke up... Unless of course if I'd meet someone who would also love my child then my being a single parent wouldn't be for too long. I know I have to be strong and independent to make my baby's life better and to prove my ex that my world wouldn't end without him...
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Re: Single Parents Thread
I so admire you all ladies! What you've said were really heart-warming. I know how a mum could do everything for her baby with the help of her hubby. But I mostly admire mums who are able to raise their kids alone. Kudos to all of you.
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Re: Single Parents Thread
Originally Posted by Idalia
I so love what you've said Gaetana. Currently, I consider myself a single mum as my baby's dad and I broke up... Unless of course if I'd meet someone who would also love my child then my being a single parent wouldn't be for too long. I know I have to be strong and independent to make my baby's life better and to prove my ex that my world wouldn't end without him...
Way to go Idalia! You're such a strong woman. I know you'll do a great job raising your baby. Take care!
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Re: Single Parents Thread
Single or not it is very essential to think of our kids' welfare first than that of our own. Whether we are the one who left or the one being left behind we need to get up and move on. All for our kids.
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Re: Single Parents Thread
Originally Posted by Adalira
Way to go Idalia! You're such a strong woman. I know you'll do a great job raising your baby. Take care! 
Thank you!
I'm feeling a little funny while reading my old post in this thread, haha. I never even thought that a guy would come into my life at this point of my pregnancy, LOL. Well, no romantic relationship as of yet but I admit, I love the pampering and attention I am currently getting!  Well, I dunno if I'll be posting my "single parent" journey in the future in here, well maybe not. But whatever lies ahead I hope that I could give the best for my bubs!
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Re: Single Parents Thread
Originally Posted by Abana
Single or not it is very essential to think of our kids' welfare first than that of our own. Whether we are the one who left or the one being left behind we need to get up and move on. All for our kids.
Couldn't help but agree with your thoughts Abana. Whatever decision we've come upon, we have no choice but to move forward.