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Old 04-07-2013  
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Default Re: The Journal of Idalia

It has been confirmed. I said yes. He loves me and my baby. I love him.
I'm not sure what is headed but all I know is that we're a perfect match.
I'm just praying and hoping that this will last. I just want to feel loved and to have a complete family, that's all.
And I don't think it's too much to ask for in this life.
Or is it?
Old 04-27-2013  
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I'm enjoying all the love I have right now. BF is also excited to meet my baby and told me that he's very much willing to embrace my baby as his own. Isn't that sweet? But I guess everything is too early just yet. All I'm wanting to do is enjoy the goodness of what I have now. 2 months and I'm gonna be a mum. Need to find a better paying job. LOL!
Old 05-18-2013  
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My tummy is getting huge and I'm seeing these red marks already. Eew! I know these are stretch marks! They're extemely itchy! But my bf is so sweet, he gently rubs lotion over it. He said he loves my baby so much. Aww, I'm so fortunate to have him in our lives. All I want is a happy family, now I have it. Hope this will last...
Old 05-26-2013  
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I thought I'd be spared from those pesky marks coz I didn't notice a single one on my 2nd tri, though I feel some itch once in a while. OMG. Now they're popping up non-stop! I was almost feeling amazing and now I feel awful. Just awful.
Old 08-09-2013  
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Our baby Sally Rustica came last June 7, 2013 through a normal delivery. The 8 hour labour was just OMG!!! But still incredibly thankful baby and I were both ok. She weighed 4.1 kg with a length of 42 cm. Apgar score was fine.
Mum and Dad wanted the name Rustica so I granted their wish. Sally's one of our fave names list. It is such an adorable name and bf and I felt like it's very much suited to our very charming and pretty baby.

It's ironic, I planned not to nurse. When I saw my baby, I fell so in love with her and thought that I'm so gonna give her the best!! So I've decided to breastfeed having realized that it's the best for her. But sad to say, I have inverted nipples and oftentimes bubs doesn't want to get nursed.

Bf loves bubs so much. He even mentioned adopting bubs. Whoa!! Taking it to the next level, eh? Not a bad thing though. All for our baby Sally Rustica. We love you!!!
Old 08-31-2013  
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Baby's going to have her 3rd month birthday next week. Will just have a dinner at home of course. Bf said he'll order some balloons and a pink cake. Sweet! Mum and I will cook some pasta and stew. Everything will be simple yet wonderful for the celebration.

My baby was constipated a couple of weeks ago. Her pediatrician kept on insisting that she should be given a Lactose-Free formula milk alongside nursing her. The formula milk helps her get all the nutrients because I couldn't fully nurse her as I have inverted nipples. She was unimaginable! I went to another pediatrician and this time she changed her Lactose-Free formula milk into a regular one. She explained that giving a Lactose-Free milk to an already constipated baby will make matters far worse. From now on, we will stick to this new pediatrician and will never go back to the previous one!! Grrrrrr!
Old 09-25-2013  
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So far Baby Sally Rustica is doing fine with her new pediatrician. I couldn't fault her. She's amazing! Hope she doesn't disappoint us.
Baby's 3rd month "everything pink" themed birthday was a blast! It was a simple and enjoyable bonding moment with our closest family and friends.
Bf's fathering skill is improving as well...
Oh, I bloody hope this will last... I could only hope so much.
Old 10-27-2013  
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Baby Sally Rustica's reaching her 5th month birthday on the 7th of November, woohoo! So excited!!

She's growing very fast, eyes are getting more expressive. 4 front teeth are now getting more obvious thus the toothy smile! BF bought a nice peach coloured blanky the other day with "Princess Sally Rustica" sewn on the bottom right side of it. He's sweet! He loves me and my baby sooo much. I'm so fortunate to have him parent our princess as if she was his own!!
Old 11-29-2013  
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BF and I went into a couple of fights last week. The issue: he wanted for us to live with his folks. I understand his point of us being able to save some extra cash from rent but I am feeling so uncomfortable! I haven't decided as of yet but it feels weird to be staying with his family with my daughter despite the fact that bf loves Sally so much...
Sally Rustica is doing fine. She's in the pink of health, thank God.
Old 12-21-2013  
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BF and I decided to spend the Christmas with his family and the New Year countdown with my fam. I know issues will definitely arise when his relatives find out about Sally being not his daughter but my BF couldn't effing care more- but I do! Gosh, I've said yes and see how it goes... I know with my folks, it's the other way around- they respect my BF so much for loving me and my baby... Oh well, enough of the negative vibes, as the saying goes, "Let's cross the bridge when we get there." And I sure will.
Have a Merry Christmas!!!

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