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Old 06-25-2012  
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Default The Process of a C Section Delivery

If you are planning on a C Section delivery or anticipating one, you’re probably very curious and fearful of the procedure itself. The process of a C Section delivery usually lasts under an hour and is not painful, although the recovery can be especially hard. Here’s a look at the process and what you can expect.

Process of a C Section Delivery: Pre-Surgery
Before surgery you’ll be given some kind of anesthetic, whether it’s a general, spinal or an epidural. Usually, general anesthetic is reserved for emergency C Sections as it works very quickly and the mother is completely sedated, while spinal and epidurals will numb you from the abdomen to below your waist. You will also most likely receive a catheter to collect urine.

Process of a C Section Delivery: The Surgery
  • Procedure starts with an incision in the abdomen wall.
  • Emergency C Sections are usually a vertical incision for fast delivery
  • Horizontal incision is the most common and does not cut the stomach muscles
  • Incision is next made in the uterus either horizontally or vertically (the classical incision)
  • Amniotic fluid is suctioned out and the baby is delivered
  • The baby’s head is delivered first and the mouth and nose are cleared so he can breathe
  • Once the entire body is delivered the baby will be lifted out so you may see him or her
  • The baby is then given to a nurse for evaluation
  • Finally, the placenta is delivered and the close-up process is finished
Process of C Section Delivery: After Surgery
After your surgery you’ll probably feel nausea and even trembling, which may come from the anesthesia, adrenaline or uterine contractions. These symptoms usually pass fairly quickly and are followed by drowsiness.

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