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Old 09-09-2012  
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Default The Risks of VBAC Birth

The risk of complications in all deliveries, both cesarean and vaginal, are relatively low. In general, vaginal birth is less risky than a cesarean, which is still a major surgery. Still, women who have a cesarean scar on their uterus from a previous cesarean may be at increased risk during a second birth done vaginally. This risk, called uterine rupture, is what most women fear during VBAC birth.

Risks of VBAC Birth
There are three main risks of VBAC. You may have issues during the trial of labor that requires another cesarean. This happens to between 20 and 40% of women to attempt VBAC birth. You may also have a uterine rupture, which is very rare but dangerous. The risk of uterine rupture is highest among women who had a vertical incision from a prior C-section, those on medication to induce labor and those with a great deal of scarring from multiple C-sections or other surgeries. Finally, you will be at increased risk of infection if you have a trial of labor but need to have a C-section, anyway. This risk of infection is higher for CBAC after attempted vaginal delivery than it is for a scheduled C-section or vaginal birth.

Risks of Scheduled C-Section
To really analyze the risks of VBAC birth, it can help to compare them to the risks of any C-section, whether it’s an emergency procedure or planned. These risks include:
  • Infection
  • Substantial blood loss that requires a transfusion
  • Urinary/Genital issues
  • Blood clots
  • Anesthesia-related risks
  • Long recovery time in the hospital
  • Possible injury to the child during C-section delivery
  • Respiratory distress syndrome for the child

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