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Old 05-21-2012  
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Default Understanding the Problem of Too Much Amniotic Fluid

During a normal pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid you have increases slowly and peaks at around 34 weeks. At this point the level begins to slowly drop until you finally give birth. However, some women are diagnosed with too much amniotic fluid, also called hydramnios or polyhyramnios. This issue occurs in 1% of pregnancies and causes a number of problems.

Symptoms of Too Much Amniotic Fluid
Many times your healthcare practitioner will suspect you have too much amniotic fluid if your uterus begins to grow too fast. You’ll also notice many symptoms, including strange abdominal discomfort or pain, new or increased back pain, very bad swelling of the ankles and feet as well as shortness of breath. If you mention these side effects to your doctor you will probably receive an ultrasound to check for too much amniotic fluid.

Causes of Too Much Amniotic Fluid
Most of the time experts don’t understand what causes too much amniotic fluid, especially mild cases. Moderate and severe cases of hydramnios, however, can usually be attributed to carrying multiples, maternal diabetes, fetal abnormalities or fetal anemia. Hydramnios is common when twin-to-twin transfusion occurs, as one twin will receive too much amniotic fluid while the other gets too little. About 10% of pregnant diabetics receive a diagnosis of too much amniotic fluid, especially if the condition isn’t well managed.

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