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Old 05-20-2012  
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Default What are Foods that Increase Fertility in Women?

Difficulties conceiving is one of the most stressful problems in life, especially when you’re aiming for natural conception without fertility drugs. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to boost your fertility, including charting your fertile times and consuming certain foods. There is a lot of evidence that shows the following foods that increase fertility in women really work.

Foods that Increase Fertility in Women: Dairy
A study at Harvard found that full-fat dairy products like full-fat yogurt, whole milk and ice cream are truly fertility foods for women. Women who consume full-fat dairy as opposed to low-fat varieties have less ovulation-related issues. Remember you don’t need to go overboard as a serving or two a day is sufficient to help boost your fertility.

Foods that Increase Fertility in Women: Fresh Vegetables and Fruit
Fertility in women is linked to a healthy diet, and nothing is better than fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh produce is packed with antioxidants, which seem to support both reproductive and general health. A number of fruits and vegetables like strawberries and leafy greens are very high in folate, an important nutrient for a healthy pregnancy.

Foods that Increase Fertility in Women: Good Fats
Foods high in monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids are wonderful for improving your fertility and also increase insulin sensitivity, fight obesity and reduce inflammation in the body. Try incorporating them into your diet by adding avocado to your sandwiches or adding full-fat yogurt to black beans and other lentils.

Foods that Increase Fertility in Women: Whole Grains & Plant Protein
Choosing complex carbohydrates found in brown rice, cornmeal, oatmeal and whole grain breads increases fertility and also improves insulin function in the body. Protein found in plants like peanuts, peas and lentils is also shown to improve fertility, unlike red meat. While you don’t need to become a vegetarian and rely on breads and vegetables, do your best to limit meat and incorporate as many vegetables in your diet to improve your fertility and help you conceive naturally.

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