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Old 05-16-2012  
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Default What are the Pregnancy Symptoms with Multiples?

Many women begin to wonder early in their pregnancy if they are having multiples. If you have a family history, have had fertility treatments or are just curious, there are actually pregnancy symptoms with multiples you can be aware of. For the most part, however, symptoms are the same as with a normal pregnancy, only the magnitude is multiplied.

Pregnancy Symptoms with Multiples: Faster Growth
One potential sign that you’re having multiples is a belly that’s growing faster than you expect. During most prenatal visits your doctor will probably check the growth of your uterus. If after 12 weeks your uterus appears to be growing faster than usual you may be having multiples, or your due date was calculated wrong.

Pregnancy Symptoms with Multiples: Increased Fetal Movement
Many mothers of multiples report feeling a great deal of fetal movement, often describing it as an octopus in their stomach. Many feel like there is almost constant movement going in every direction. This is just one symptom that may point to you having more than one baby.

Pregnancy Symptoms with Multiples: Increased hCG Levels
Finally, your lab work may be returned with numbers that appear higher than usual. Your doctor may tell you your numbers are higher than the normal value on either the AFP test or the hCG levels during a pregnancy test. Both of these point to having multiples.

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