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Old 05-16-2012  
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Default What is an Ultrasound During Pregnancy?

When you find out you’re pregnant it’s very common to receive at least one ultrasound during pregnancy. Ultrasounds while you’re pregnant have many purposes, including detecting a heartbeat, measuring amniotic fluid level and checking for abnormalities.

What is an Ultrasound During Pregnancy?
A technician uses a special machine to create an image of the inside of your womb and can show you what your baby looks like. When you get an ultrasound you can see the images moving on the computer screen like a movie. Ultrasounds are entirely safe when performed properly and can be used to determine the following information:
  • the baby’s size
  • the overall health of the baby’s heart
  • development of organs including the kidneys, brain and spine
  • verify the anticipated due date
  • check amniotic fluid levels
  • check for developmental abnormalities
  • the number of babies
  • make sure the placenta is in the proper place
  • check for problems with the mother’s uterus and ovaries
How Does an Ultrasound During Pregnancy Work?
An ultrasound picture is created using sound waves that have such a high pitch that can’t be heard by the human ear. These sound waves travel through your skin and can be focused on certain body parts with a scanning device called the transducter. The machine picks up these sound waves as they bounce back from organs and bone. Ultrasounds are very different than x-rays and use no radiation.

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