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Old 09-09-2012  
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Default Will I Have a Cesarean Section Scar?

You probably have a lot of questions about the Cesarean Section Scar you’ll have after your surgery. You may also wonder what this scar will look like once you heal, or about the pain that comes with a C-section scar. Here’s a look at the types of scars on the abdomen and uterus you can expect and what they will look like.

Cesarean Section Scar on the Abdomen
There are two types of incision made in the abdomen: the vertical and horizontal, also known as the low transverse or bikini cut. Vertical or classical incisions are very rare today because they carry more risks and make it nearly impossible for the woman to ever have a vaginal birth. These scars are also very large and visible. A binini incision, on the other hand, is done at the top of the pubic hair or over the hair line so this scar can’t be seen while you’re wearing underwear. It’s also the most appealing once healed.

Cesarean Section Scar on the Uterus
The scar on your uterus may be horizontal or vertical and may differ from the scar on your abdomen. The scar on your uterus may also affect your ability to have a vaginal birth later, known as a VBAC, so ask your surgeon if you had a vertical or horizontal uterine incision. If the incision is extended, it may also make it risky to have a vaginal birth in the future. The horizontal incision is done on the lower portion of the uterus, which may also be called a low flap transverse incision. If the baby is in a strange position, preterm or there is a medical emergency, another type of incision may be done.

Size of Scar and Healing
Most C-section scars are four to six inches long, although it can vary because of the location of the incision and the length needed to deliver your baby safely. Healing time varies by woman and infection can slow healing time. The appearance of the scar will slowly fade, just like the stretch marks from your pregnancy.

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