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Old 05-18-2012  
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Default Your Prenatal Visit Schedule

Are you curious what your prenatal visit schedule will look like throughout your pregnancy? Your schedule of prenatal visits will vary depending on your medical history, as women with existing conditions like diabetes or pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia will require additional visits with their doctor. Still, this prenatal visit schedule provides a good idea of how often you’ll see your doctor throughout your visit.

Prenatal Visit Schedule: First Trimester
You should schedule a visit with your doctor as soon as you find out you’re pregnant. The first prenatal visit is generally the longest and goes over your medical history, due date and any lifestyle issues. This visit will also confirm your pregnancy, provide blood tests and a physical examination. After this first prenatal visit you’ll see your doctor usually every 4 to 6 weeks during the first trimester to check your weight gain and blood pressure.

Prenatal Visit Schedule: Second Trimester
During the second trimester, prenatal visits usually include measurements of your baby’s growth and routine blood work. Most women see their doctor once every 4 weeks during the second trimester. Sometime during this trimester you should also have an ultrasound to check on the baby’s progress and hear the heartbeat.

Prenatal Visit Schedule: Third Trimester
During the third trimester you’ll see your doctor much more frequently. Most women have a prenatal visit every 2 weeks from 28 weeks through the 36th week of pregnancy. After this point you’ll see your doctor once per week until you deliver. Along with the blood pressure and weight checks your doctor will also look for urinary tract infections, signs of preeclampsia and other complications more common during the third trimester. Toward the end of your pregnancy your doctor will also check the baby’s position. If you go past your due date your practitioner will probably check your cervix to see if it’s effacing, dilating and softening.

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